Characteristics of plants

  1. They make their own foods and hence called autotrophs.
  2. They are non – motile.
  3. Plants contain photosynthetic pigments called chlorophyll present in the plastids.
  4. These living organisms are made of eukaryotic cell and are multicellular.
  5. They reproduce asexually by vegetative propagation or sexually.
  6. They have different organelles for anchorage, reproduction, support and photosynthesis.
  7. They have a structure formed by root and aerial parts.
  8. They have conductive tissues, i.e., xylem and phloem.
  9. Plants have no definite size and shape.
  10. In suitable environment growth of many plants continue for a longer period.

Characteristics of animals

  1. All species of animals, land plants and most fungi are multicellular whereas a few organisms are partially unicellular such as slime mold and amoebae.
  2. Animals are made up a cell that do not have cell wall.
  3. They typically reproduce sexually. They produce haploid sperm cell (a male sex cell) and haploid ovum (a female sex cell) and unite for fertilization to form diploid zygote. Where as some animals are capable of asexual reproduction.
  4. Animals are heterotrophic, obtaining their energy by consuming energy-releasing food substances.
  5. Animals are capable of motion in some stage of their lives.
  6. Animals are generally motileThey have the capacity to move at will. 
  7. Animals possess specialized sensory organs such as eyes, ears, nose, skin, and tongue.
  8. Animals are eukaryotic where the animals cell contain membrane bound nucleus. The nucleus is the organelle that contain chromosomes that bears gens.
  9. Animals respire aerobically, taking in oxygen(inspiration) and releasing carbon dioxide (expiration).
  10. Animals have definite size and shape.

Difference between Plants and Animals 

Size and shapePlants has to definite size and shape.Animals have definite size and shape.
Growth In suitable environment growth of many plants continue for a longer period.Growth in animals takes place up to a certain stage of life and growth ceases after that.
Nutrition Plants are autotrophic.Animals are heterotopic.
Structure of cellThey have dead cell wall.They do not have cell wall.
Life timePlants shows the growth throughout the lifetime.Plants shows the growth throughout the lifetime.
MovementPlants don’t have any locomotion.Animals have locomotion and they can move from one place to another.
ReproductionPlants reproduce by vegetative, asexual and sexual methods.Reproduction in animals mainly takes place by sexual method but some animals may reproduce by Vegetative and asexual methods.
Nature of foodsPlants cannot take solid food.Animals can consume solid as well as liquid food.
ChloroplastChloroplast is present.Chloroplast is absent.
RespirationPlants respire with the help of microscopic spores present in their leaves and steam.Animals respire with the help of organs like trachea, gills and lungs.

Sarmila K C

Welcome to The Science Notes! I'm Sarmila K C, a science writer with a background in Food Technology. My mission is to simplify complex scientific topics and make them accessible to everyone. I cover the various topics of science and explain them with clear, accurate information.

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