Characteristics of Angiosperm

  1. Angiosperms may be found in a wide variety of environments, including those with fresh water, desert, extremely cold arctic climates, and extremely hot tropical climates.
  2. Stems, roots, and leaves are the 3 different parts of the sporophyte.
  3. Angiosperms are vascular plants and possess xylem and phloem.
  4. Angiosperm are heterosporous and produce microspores and megaspores.
  5. They produce seeds that are enclosed or covered by an ovary.
  6. They possess true leaves, true stems and true roots.
  7. When angiosperm becomes mature, the ovary constitutes the fruit.
  8. In angiosperms, fertilization occurs more quickly. Because the female reproductive components of the smaller females generate seeds more quickly.
  9. Stamens, the reproductive organs of flowers, are a component of all angiosperms. They create the pollen grains that contain the genetic material.
  10. One of the main benefits of angiosperms is the formation of endosperm. After fertilization, the endosperm develops and serves as a food supply for the growing seed and seedling.

Characteristics of Gymnosperm

  1. Gymnosperm plants have naked seeds, which implies that they do not have fruit coverings over them.
  2. Gymnosperms do not vegetatively reproduce by cutting, budding, etc.
  3. Heterosporous spores are seen in gymnosperms.
  4. Microspores and megaspores are two types of spores that gymnosperm generate.
  5. They are xerophytic and terrestrial but never aquatic.
  6. The leaves of gymnosperm are needle-like that have tough cuticles and sunken stomata.
  7. Gymnosperm doesn’t take place in double fertilization.
  8. They are heterosporous plants that produce a variety of spores.
  9.  Gymnosperms are wind pollinated.
  10. The plant body of gymnosperm consists of intermediate to tall shrubs and trees.

Difference between Angiosperm and Gymnosperm

SeedsTheir seeds are often contained in an ovary that is found in a fruit.Their seeds, which are located on scales,
leaves, or as cones, are exposed and unenclosed.
Reproduction The spread of reproduction is dependent on the animals.The spread of reproduction is dependent on the wind.
LifecycleThe lifecycle of angiosperm are seasonal.The gymnosperm plant is evergreen.
Tissues Angiosperm have triploid tissue.Gymnosperm have haploid tissue.
Leaves  Leaves of angiosperm are flat in shape. Leaves of gymnosperm are scalelike and needle-like in shape.
Wood Hardwood types Softwood types 
Uses Used for Medications, food, clothing, etc.Used for Paper, Lumber, etc.
Polyembryony Polyembryony is uncommon.Polyembryony is common.
Archegonia Archegonia are absent.Archegonia are present (except Gnetum).
Vegetative reproduction Vegetative reproduction is common.Vegetative reproduction is very rare.

Sarmila K C

Welcome to The Science Notes! I'm Sarmila K C, a science writer with a background in Food Technology. My mission is to simplify complex scientific topics and make them accessible to everyone. I cover the various topics of science and explain them with clear, accurate information.

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